Phantom of the Opera

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This musical tells the story of the hideously deformed Phantom who lurks beneath the stage of the Paris Opera, exercising a reign of terror over all its occupants. He falls fatally in love with the young soprano Christine, devoting himself to creating a new star for the Opera by nurturing her extraordinary talents and employing all the skills at his disposal.


Sarah Brightman              Christine Daae
Michael Crawford              Phantom of the Opera
Steve Barton                    Raoul
Cris Groenendaal              Monsieur Andre
Elisa Heinsohn                  Meg Giry
Judy Kaye                        Carlotta Guidicelli
Leila Martin                      Madame Giry
David Romano                  Ubaldo Piangi
Nicholas Wyman               Monsieur Firmin
Peter Kevoian                   Monsieur Reyer
Kenneth H. Waller             Monsieur Lefevre
Beth McVey                      Madame Firmin
Phillip Steele                     Joseph Buquet
Barry McNabb                   Flunky/Stagehand
Richard Warren Pugh        Auctioneer
Mary Leigh Stahl               Wardrobe Mistress
George Lee Andrews         Don Attilo in "Il Muto"/Passarino
Nicole Fosse                      Ballet Chorus of Opera Populaire
Lisa Lockwood                  Ballet Chorus of Opera Populaire
Irene Cho                         Ballet Chorus of Opera Populaire
Catherine Ulissey               Ballet Chorus of Opera Populaire
Dodie Pettit                       Ballet Chours of Opera Polulaire
Lori MacPherson                Ballet Chorus of Opera Populaire
Luis Perez                         Slave Master in "Hannibal"
Rebecca Luker                  Princess in "Hannibal"
William Scott Brown           Porter/Fireman
Jan Horvath                      Innkeeper's Wife in "Don Juan Triumphant"
Jeff Keller                         Porter/Marksman
Denny Berry                      Ballet Swing 
Charles Rule                      Policeman
Olga Talyn                         Page in "Don Juan Triumphant"
Candace Rogers-Adler       Page in "Don Juan Triumphant"   
Alternate for Christine: Patti Cohenour


Phantom of the Opera Synopsis

Phantom of the Opera Gallery

Phantom of the Opera- Movie

Song List
Think Of Me
Angel Of Music
Little Lotte
Angel of Music (Mirror)
The Phantom of the Opera
Music of the Night
I Remember.../Stranger Than You Dreamt It
Magical Lasso
Notes.../Prima Donna
Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh (Il Muto)
Why Have You Brought Me Here?/Raoul, I've Been There
All I Ask of You
All I Ask of You (Reprise)
Masquerade/Why So Silent...?
Notes.../Twisted Every Way
Wishing You Were Some How Here Again
Wandering Child 
We Have All Been Blind
Don Juan
The Point of No Return
                Down Once More.../Track Down This Murderer

Musicals II