
At the time when crimes of passion result in celebrity headlines,nightclub sensation Velma
Kelly and spotlight-seeking Roxie Hart both find themselves space on Chicago's famed Murderess Row! They also share
Billy Flynn,the town's slickest lawyer with a talent for turning notorious defendants into local legends. But in Chicago
there is only room for one legend! |

Taye Diggs
Renee Zellweger Roxie Hart
Catherine Zeta-Jones Velma Kelly
Richard Gere
Billy Flynn
John C. Reilly
Amos Hart
Queen Latifah Matron Mama Morton
Christine Baranski Mary
Colm Feore Harrison
Dominic West
Fred Casely
Chita Rivera
Susan Misner
Denise Faye
Deidre Goodwin
Mya Harrison Mona
Ekaterina Chtchelkanova Hunyak
Lucy Liu Kitty Baxter
Niki Wray Veronica
Sean McCann

The musical numbers "My Own Best Friend" and "Me and My Baby" were originally written into the script, but
were removed at the last minute. "My Own Best Friend" was to have taken place when Roxie and Velma are put in solitary confinement
after getting into a cat fight.

Renee Zellweger had no singing or dance training prior to this film.

Catherine Zeta Jones was pregnant during filming.
