

Lights up on the Egyptian wing of a Modern Art Museum. A contemporary
crowd, chic and beautifully dressed, is gathered around various artifacts, all under glass: a small boat, a model
of a soldier with a bow and arrow, a mannequin of AMNERIS, ancient female Pharaoh of Egypt. The crowd moves appreciatively
around the exhibits. In the center of the room, also behind glass, is a mysterious object - an ancient burial chamber,
a tomb. A man and a woman also dressed in the fashions of today approach the tomb from different sides. They are both
drawn to it. They circle it, intrigued as if they have seen it before. The man is RADAMES; the woman is AIDA. In a musical
moment, they look up. Their eyes meet and all the action in the room freezes as AMNERIS, wearing a royal headdress, emerges
from the glass encasement. As she sings, the cast of the modern museumgoers leaves the stage.
story, tale or memoir Every saga or romance Whether true or fabricated Whether planned or happenstance
sweeping through the ages Casting centuries aside Or a hurried brief recital Just a thirty-minute ride
steps off of the pedestal and stands before the audience.)
Whether bright or melancholy Rough and ready, finely
spun Whether with a thousand players Or a lonely cast of one
Every story, new or ancient Bagatelle or
work of art All are tales of human failing All are tales of love at heart
(The lights change violently with
a rock and roll chord. Frozen on stage: the Man staring at a model of the boat. The WOMAN looks at the figure of the
This is the story Of a love that flourished In a time of hate
Of lovers no tyranny could separate
Love set into motion on the Nile's shore Destiny ignited by an act of war
Egypt saw the mighty river as its
very heart and soul Source of life for all her people That only Egypt could control Destruction of her southern
neighbor justified Nubia exploited, left with little more than pride Ohhhhhhhhhh.
ACT ONE Scene One A
As the WOMAN moves off with the model of the boat, large red sails fly in, creating an Egyptian barge
on stage. EGYPTIAN SOLDIERS man the sails as riches and the spoils of war are loaded on to the deck of the ship.
SOLDIERS Oh, Oh Fortune Favors the Brave Oh, Oh Fortune Favors the Brave
an Egyptian Army Captain enters.)
RADAMES We have swept to glory, Egypt's mastery expands From the Nile's
northern most delta To the dry, dry southern sands
The more we find, the more we see, The more we come to
learn The more that we explore, The more we shall return
SOLDIERS Oh, oh Fortune favors the brave
all worked out, my road is clear The lines of latitude extend Way beyond my wildest dreams Toward some great triumphant
We seize the day We turned the tide We touched the stars We mocked the grave We moved into uncharted
RADAMES & SOLDIERS Fortune favors the brave
RADAMES The more we find, the more we see The
more we come to learn The more that we explore The more we shall return
Nothing is an accident We are
free to have it all We are what we want to be It's in ourselves to rise or fall
This is easy to believe When
distant places call to me It's harder from the palace yard Fortune favors the free
favors the young!
RADAMES Fortune favors the brave!
(Suddenly, AIDA and NUBIAN
WOMEN are pushed onstage. She stumbles. RADAMES goes over to inspect the Nubians.)
RADAMES What have we here?
#1 We found them along the riverbank, Captain.
(SOLDIER pushes AIDA forward, into RADAMES' path.)
(to AIDA) Your country is at war and you go wandering along the Nile's edge. Your must have a burning desire to
see Egypt. (to SOLDIER) Put her in Chains (SOLDIER begins putting AIDA in chains. RADAMES turns to another SOLDIER.) Have
you finished the map?
SOLDIER #2 Yes, Captain.
RADAMES Good work. But this is wrong. (He traces his
finger over the map) But this is wrong, from the mast it looked like it curved to the North...like this. Here, let
me show you.
(AIDA has taken a sword from a drunken soldier and is pointing it at the man who shackled her.)
#1 My sword! My sword!
(AIDA sword fights with the soldiers, taking one captive.)
AIDA Release them.
RADAMES (Crossing
to AIDA) Hand it over. Now!
AIDA (She holds the sword close to the soldier's neck.) You took us from Nubia...and
now you say we belong to you, yes?
AIDA Well, I took this soldier from your ranks. So, by
your own logic he belongs to me. Now let them go.
(RADAMES smiles in acknowledgement, then points to THE WOMEN.
SOLDIERS instantly grab them. AIDA lays down the sword. A SOLDIER snatches it up.)
SOLDIER #1 Throw her in the
RADAMES No, I have a better plan for her.
leads AIDA off as the set rises to reveal the ship's lower quarters. Once in his quarters, RADAMES lifts his hand. AIDA
covers her face.
AIDA Don't.
RADAMES You don't want me to remove your shackles? (She holds up her hands
for him and he unlocks her manacles.) They'll only get in the way. Very impressive up there. I should enlist you in
my army. Make you my Lieutenant.
AIDA Are you mocking me, Captain?
RADAMES No. Admiring you. (He removes
his coat, dropping it to the floor almost as a dare.) Do you know what's going to happen now? You're going to scrub the
filth of battle from my skin. (RADAMES sits on a stool in front of her. AIDA sees the basin of water and the sea
sponge.) It's been a long time since I've felt clean. (AIDA begins to scrub his back with all her force.) You're
much better with a sword than you are with a sponge.
AIDA I wish I had a sword now.
RADAMES There's mine.
Help yourself. Who taught you to use a weapon?
AIDA My father.
RADAMES Because he knows that Nubian men
can't protect their women? (She straightens, furious.) You're not finished.
AIDA Yes, I am.
your knees! (He stands to confront her.) You enjoy living dangerous, don't you?
AIDA About as much as I enjoy
washing your filthy Egyptian skin
(AIDA throws the sponge to the ground. RADAMES raises his hand to strike her.)
AIDA No...
You know nothing about me and care even less How could you understand
our emptiness You've plundered our wisdom, our knowledge, our wealth In bleeding us dry You long for our spirit But
that you will never possess
The past is now another land Far beyond my reach Invaded by insidious Foreign
bodies, foreign speech Where timeless joys of childhood Lie broken on the beach
RADAMES What is your name?
AIDA Aida...
#3 (offstage) Captain, we're ready to dock!
(RADAMES scoops up the shackles from the floor and forces them on AIDA.)
AIDA Please,
leave them off.
RADAMES You're a slave now! And if you want to survive you better remember it.
present is an empty space Between the good and bad A moment leading nowhere Too pointless to be sad But time
enough to lay to waste Every certainty I had
(The platform from RADAMES' ship appears onstage, as slaves exit
from the ship and onto the dock.)
The future is a barren world From which I can't return Both heartless
and material Its wretched spoils not my concern Shining like an evil sun As my childhood treasures burn Shining
like an evil sun As my childhood treasures burn
The scene has now
changed to the docks in Egypt, where RADAMES' soldiers are unloading the ship and securing the slaves. A MERCHANT enters,
carrying gold. MEREB, RADAMES' young servant, enters after MERCHANT, carrying a few casks of wine.
Mereb...Is that the wine?
MEREB You have the gold?
(They exchange gold and wine. The MERCHANT runs off. RADAMES
comes down the platform and onto the docks.)
MEREB (He stuffs the bag of gold down
his shirt, then turns.) Master, I am so glad you've returned.
RADAMES (Descending gangplank.) Have you kept
my house in order?
MEREB Yes, well except for a few casks of wine, which have mysteriously disappeared.
and his MINISTERS enter from SR to RADAMES and MEREB.)
ZOSER Here you are my son, home at last! Step aside Mereb!
bows to ZOSER) Yes, oh Chief Minister Zoser... loved by the Gods, the people and himself.
ZOSER Careful boy or
I'll have you...
RADAMES (He embraces ZOSER.) It's good to see you father.
ZOSER You were gone for
so long Radames, I was beginning to worry. You weren't injured in battle?
ZOSER I kept
telling the princess that no man could best you with a sword.
RADAMES No man got the better of me. Though a certain
woman might have...
ZOSER Really?
RADAMES Listen, beyond the fifth cataract the Nile heads directly toward
ZOSER Then we can attack the city by water? Excellent! You recorded the landscape?
the maps we made, an illiterate foot soldier could find his way through Nubia.
ZOSER And you brought us captives.
Good. Take them to the copper mines. We can't seem to keep them alive down there.
(ZOSER motions the GUARDS forward)
Not this one. (He takes AIDA from the GUARD.) I need a gift for the princess.
ZOSER Yes. She'll be expecting
RHADAMES Take the others to the Palace Groundskeeper. They can help with the harvest. (To ZOSER.) They're
all women. They wouldn't last a day underground.
ZOSER As you wish. They're your slaves.
to face him.)
AIDA Thank you.
RADAMES Give me your hands, Aida.
MEREB Your name is Aida?
RADAMES Mereb. (To
Aida, taking her chains off.) I'm going to remove these. But know that if you dare try to escape, I will come after
you myself.
AIDA You flatter me, Captain. You don't look like a man who would chase after any woman.
make an exception for you. (To Mereb.) Mereb, take her to Princess Amneris with my compliments.
ZOSER You've been gone six months. I really think a personal appearance is in order.
good time, father. Though you and the Princess should know that as soon as my crew is rested, I am setting out again.
can't. Radames, Egypt needs you now. Pharaoh is not the powerful leader he was when you left.
you've been away cavorting Matters here have moved apace Now I need you home supporting All the plans I've put
in place
First of all this means your wedding You'll recall your future bride For the way that Pharaoh's heading
Time's no longer on our side
According to the hawk god, Horus Our most regal invalid Is not that much
longer for us Build another pyramid!
RADAMES You mean Pharaoh has fallen ill? Is it serious?
afraid so.
RADAMES I must go to him.
ZOSER Yes. That will bring him some comfort. I'll see you tonight
at the banquet, Captain.
There are many who'll be tearful As our leader fades away But our architects are
cheerful And each dog must have its day
If our country is to flourish Then my son must take the lead Be
our inspiration, nourish All our hopes our dreams our creed
Soon our monarch will have filled a Tomb just
like his fathers did Summon Egypt's greatest builders Re: another pyramid
MINISTERS Build it, build it
Another pyramid
There will be a time for mourning But for now put plans on hold
I give the nation warning That before the corpse is cold
ZOSER We'll extend fair
Egypt's power Egypt's glory strength and style We shall have our finest hour Far beyond the mighty Nile
must have a vault that's grand by Any standards, floor to lid Put five thousand slaves on stand by Build another
MINISTERS Build it, build it Build it, build it Build it, build it Build it-
ZOSER Someone has been telling Pharaoh about our private meetings.
the ACCUSED MINISTER) Traitor! He's become a liability.
(The other MINISTERS instantly surround the ACCUSED MINISTER.
ASSASSIN MINISTER crosses to MINISTER, pulls out a knife, and kills him. The Dance goes into high gear.)
it, build it Build it-
ZOSER He must have a vault that's grand by Any standards, floor
to lid Put five thousand slaves on stand by Build another pyramid!
ZOSER (To one MINISTER) You extracted
more arsenic? (MINISTER hands ZOSER a vile of arsenic) Who would have thought the copper mines would yield such an abundant
supply? Put some in Pharaoh's wine tonight at the banquet. Again, only a few drops. We don't want him dying...just
AIDA appears in a uniform of a Palace Slave.
now you look like a handmaiden. But at least the Captain saw that you are special.
AIDA What that man sees
and understands could be etched on a grain of sand.
MEREB That may be, but Radames did save you and the other women
from the copper mines.
AIDA That was surprising and decent of him.
MEREB When I was ten, Radames saved
me from being beaten to death by a palace guard. He promised he'd look after me from then on. He has kept his promise. (AIDA
turns away.) Look, I know what you are thinking...that I've become one of them. But I am still Nubian. I will always
be Nubian.
AIDA Of course
MEREB I grew up in your hometown At least began
to grow I hadn't got to my first shave before the body blow Egyptians in the courtyard
My family in chains
You witnessed our abduction Which possibly explains How I know you How I know you
Before that fateful morning My family enjoyed A privileged existence For my father was employed
As advisor to the King no less Which surely rings a bell
For as your are his daughter You probably can
tell How I know you Yes I know you
AIDA You know too much and what you say Is better left unknown And
now I'm just a slave like you Our lives our not our own
MEREB I never have abandoned And nor I think could
you That spark of hope for freedom No terror can subdue
AIDA My only hope is silence You've never seen
my face
MEREB No you remain a princess In any time or place
AIDA You don't know me
I know you
AIDA You don't know me
MEREB How I know you How I know you
AIDA Mereb,
you must treat me like any other slave. If the Egyptians knew I was the daughter of the Nubian King...
would kill you. But our people will keep your secret.
AIDA No. You must not tell anyone who I am. From now on, I
am nothing but a gift from an Egyptian captain to his Princess.
MEREB Just so you know, Amneris is more than
that to Radames. She's his betrothed.
AIDA He's to be married? When?
MEREB The day his ship sinks and
the royal builders refuse to make him another. Come; let's get you to the Princess.
ACT ONE Scene Five THE
Steam begins to fill the stage. WOMEN OF THE PALACE enter wrapped in sheets. SLAVES stand by with trays of
fruit, oils and cosmetics. We see two girls swimming.
AMNERIS (Climbing out of the pool and changing into
robe) It is such hard work maintaining perfection. But worth the effort, don't you think?
WOMEN Oh, yes. Definitely
worth it! You're perfect.
AMNERIS Really? Perfect? Really? Then maybe one of you can explain to me why Radames,
the man destined to be my one and only, is neglecting me? (AIDA and MEREB enter unseen.) He's been to see my father.
I hear he's spent time with his father. In fact, he's probably chummed it up with every withered old man in Egypt. But
clearly, the thought of visiting a ripe young princess, with fabulous hair, leaves him cold.
(AMERNIS powders
MEREB (Bowing low.) Princess Amneris - first in beauty, wisdom, and accessories. Captain Radames has
not forgotten you. He knows you will be at the feast tonight in all your extravagant finery. And he can hardly wait. But
for now, he sends you this gift.
AMNERIS (Turns to see AIDA.) Another handmaiden? I don't need another handmaiden.
Does this gift have a name?
AIDA Aida.
AMNERIS Did you just speak?
AIDA My name is Aida,
Princess. And I think you might wish to know...
AMNERIS How dare you! You do not lower your eyes. You do not tremble.
Are you not afraid of me?
AIDA Would it please you if I were?
AMNERIS Not so much.
I am doing as you please.
AMNERIS True. Well that's true. You started to say something about...
AIDA Captain
AMNERIS What do you know of the captain?
AIDA Only that he is well. He suffered no injuries in
battle. I thought you might want to know that.
AMNERIS I did. You see I've been so...You're very astute, aren't
you, Aida?
AIDA Only on occasion. But my true talent lies with a needle. And if you will allow me, Princess,
I will make you a robe in a shade closer to that of your eyes. There's a dyeing process I use that makes fabrics glow.
It's a secret that was passed down by the handmaidens of Queen Neferteti.
AMNERIS A slave who knows her fabrics?
I'm keeping her! Oh Radames, he knows me. He really, really knows me. Go, Mereb, show Aida the sewing room. (AIDA and
MEREB exit.) All right ladies, let's polish this gem.
has to face a huge assortment Of nauseating fads and good advice There's health and fitness Diet and deportment
And other pointless forms of sacrifice Conversation? Wit? I am a doubter Manners? Charm? They're no way
to impress So forget the inner me , observe the outer I am what I wear and how I dress
Oh now I believe in
looking Like my time on earth is cooking Whether polka dotted Striped or even checked With the some glamour
guaranteeing Every fiber on of my being Is displayed to quite remarkable effect
From your cradle via trousseau
To your deathbed you're on view, so Ah Never compromise, accept no substitute Ah I would rather wear a barrel
Ah Than conservative apparel Ah For my dress has always been Ah My strongest suit Ah Ah Overwear Underwear
Anytime Anywhere
Staying in or hitting town wards From the top and working downwards Ooh ooh ooh ah
I ensure that every stitch Ooh ooh ooh ah Is stitched in time Ooh ooh ooh ah
Whether wig or hat or turban
Whether clad boudoir or urban Is stitched in time Not to strut your stuff Ooh ooh ooh ah Outrageously's a crime
Ooh ooh ooh ah Ooh ooh ooh ah
And the few who are invited Such a crime To my wardrobe are delighted Oooh overwear
As they wander through my things Oooh underwear To find en route Oooh anytime We're wandering through your th
in negligee or formal Ooh negligee I am anything but normal Ooh anything but normal normal
Ooh ah For my dress
has always been My strongest suit Overwear, underwear Anytime, anywhere Overwear, underwear I am what I wear
Anytime, anywhere Overwear, underwear Anytime, anywhere I said anytime Overwear,underwear Anytime Anywhere
Finest So bring me all my finest Divinest Most audacious, my divinest Most revealing Most expensive
and to boot Most revealing most expensive Most arresting Most arresting Most heartstopping Most heartstopping
Most heart-stoping Most free-flowing Overwear Most eye-popping Underwear Most arresting Anytime Most heart-stopping
Anywhere Dress has always been Dress has always been My strongest suit I am what I wear My strongest suit
I am what I wear You know that I am what I wear I am what I wear
Dress has always been Dress has always
been My strongest My strongest My strongest My strongest My strongest suit My strongest My strongest My strongest
My stroooooooooongest suit My strongest suit
My strongest suit!
(Upstage three exotic dancers, preparing for the Palace entertainment, begin to dance. Downstage
MEREB enters and immediately after, RADAMES searching him out. They cross the stage.)0
RADAMES Mereb, was the
Princess please with my gift?
MEREB Yes. Aida managed to make herself indispensable in record time.
not surprised. Did she tell you anything about herself? Because, I've never met a woman like her before. And I can't help
but wonder...
MEREB No! Nothing! She said nothing.
(MEREB exits quickly. And the THREE DANCING GIRLS sweep
downstage in an ecstatic display. The music builds. The PHARAOH makes a grand entrance on a special sedan chair, carried
on shoulders by Palace Servants. He appears very ill. The stage is set with a long low table filled with delicacies.)
AMNERIS.) You look lovely tonight.
AMNERIS Thank you.
RADAMES Is this the latest fashion?
is now. So your expedition went well?
RADAMES Oh yes, we got well past Aswan, into territory where no Egyptian has
ever set foot.
AMNERIS Really? That sounds very... scenic. Maybe next time I'll go with you.
you like, Princess. We sleep with sand mites; live on dried monkey meat; and this time the water was so tainted we vomited
for days.
AMNERIS Whew! Then again, I'm pretty busy.
(The dance continues for a bit and dissolves into the
scene with the dancing girls showing themselves off to the rich and powerful men of Egypt. AIDA is pouring wine. A
NUBIAN SERVANT passes her.)
NUBIAN Princess, the word of your arrival has spread through the Nubian camps.
NUBIAN (Another
NUBIAN slave, dancing with the court dancers, addresses AIDA while dancing) Your people cannot wait to see you. Welcome,
AIDA (Calling in MEREB'S direction.) Mereb!
MEREB Okay, so I told one person. Maybe two. Princess,
your people need to know.
PHARAOH (Holding his chalice up for a toast.) Captain. To a successful expedition.
Thanks to the routes you have discovered, our troops will now be able to attack Nubia with overwhelming force. The
Gods willing, this long war shall soon end, with Egypt's complete and final victory. (The court drinks to the toast.) Amneris,
shall I continue?
AMNERIS What ever you think is best, father.
PHARAOH Radames. You came to me this morning
with a request to set out on another journey. But I have a more important mission for you. Although it means you can
never leave Egyptian soil again, I believe this will be a joyous assignment. One I would only trust to a man I have long
regarded as a member of my own family
RADAMES It has been my privilege to serve you, Your Majesty.
you all know, Captain Radames and my daughter have been betrothed for nine years now. Long enough, I'd say. (PHARAOH
laughs, but is stopped by a debilitating coughing attack.) I want to see her and our nation happily settled before I leave
this world. Therefore, in seven days, Radames, son of Zoser, will wed the Princess Amneris. The Son of Isis has spoken.
runs to her father's side and shows her appreciation for the announcement. The men gather and congratulate RADAMES. Suddenly,
PHARAOH has another attack, coughing uncontrollably. The court gathers around him and escorts him offstage. ZOSER
and RADAMES are left alone in the banquet hall with AIDA and another servant.)
ZOSER A toast to the bridegroom.
If I'd known such an awkward young girl would turn into such a stunning young woman, I would have offered for her myself.
not too late.
ZOSER I thought you loved Amneris?
RADAMES Of course I do. We grew up together.
what is it? (He waits for an answer.) Radames I've spent years working toward this day. And you are not going to ruin
it - not for yourself, or me! Welcome to your new life, son.
is an accident We are free to have it all We are what we want to be It's in ourselves to rise or fall
picks up a goblet from the table.)
This is easy to believe When distant places call to me It's harder from
the palace yard Fortune favors the...
(RADAMES turns upstage and throws the chalice off. AIDA and the SERVANT turn
and begin to walk off.)
RADAMES (To Aida.) No, stay...
AIDA Yes, Captain?
are you from?
AIDA Ikaita. It a village near...
RADAMES ...near the Second Cataract. The river's an entirely
different color there.
AIDA No, it's an entirely different color here.
RADAMES Fair enough.
father and I use to spend days sailing the Nile. He'd let me choose the course. And sometimes I'd even run us aground
on purpose... whenever I wanted to see something on the shore.
RADAMES Did you ever sail north?
My father felt the First Cataract, being so close to the border of Egypt was too...Was too dangerous a place to take me.
there are no Egyptians in the First Cataract. Only these tiny, grassy islands. And the sunlight is different there. In
Egypt it is direct and harsh. But there it shimmers. It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen.
AIDA Of course,
it's Nubia. I would like to see that part of my country.
RADAMES To sail away
to half discovered places To see the secrets so few eyes have seen To see moments of enchantment on our faces The
moments when we smile and those in between
AIDA Are you talking about Nubia now?
RADAMES Yes, in a way.
I could leave this place then I'd be sailing To corners of my land where there would be Sweet southern winds of liberty
prevailing The beauty so majestic and so free
RADAMES I will take you sailing. South, you can be my guide.
AIDA Would
you let me steer?
RADAMES Would you run us aground?
AIDA Oh yes. Wherever there are no people. I'd jump
out of the boat, kick off my sandals and run. And there'd be no one there to scold me and tell me to behave like a
good...to behave.
RADAMES There'd be no ties of time and space to bind me
AIDA And no horizon I could
not pursue
RADAMES I'd leave the world's misfortunes far behind me
AIDA I'd put my faith and trust in
something new
RADAMES & AIDA But why should I tell you this
AIDA A stranger I just met
woman whom I hardly know at all and should forget
RADAMES & AIDA A journey we can only dream of Enchantment
passing through And how is it I say these things So easily to you
RADAMES This is meaningless! I'll never
take you sailing. I'm never going to leave Egypt again. Instead, I'll sit on the throne and send other men off on their
AIDA You talk as though you've been enslaved.
RADAMES Not with chains, maybe, but with a
marriage promise. (AIDA begins dabbing her eyes with her dress.) What is that for?
AIDA To dry my weeping
eyes. Forced to marry a princess? Oh, what hardships. I know - you want to go to lands where people have been living for
centuries and say that you "discovered" them. But instead, you're being thrust onto the Pharaoh's throne. It is a
great tragedy.
RADAMES You go too far.
AIDA No! You go too far. If you don't like your fate, change it.
You are your own master. There are no shackles on you. So don't expect any pity or understanding from this humble
palace slave.
RADAMES Stop! I command you to stop!
RADAMES But why did I tell her this? A stranger
I've just met A woman who I hardly know at all and will forget Anonymous and gone tomorrow Enchantment passing
through And all I've done is tell her things she already knew She knew ...She knew....
AMNERIS sits at her dressing stand, brushing her hair, forcibly. AIDA enters.
AIDA (Offers
to brush AMNERIS' hair.) Here, let me. (AMNERIS hands her the brush. AIDA brushes the Princess' hair.) How is your
AMNERIS I don't understand it. This illness of his came on so suddenly. Weeks ago he was healthy. And
the court physicians, they have no idea what it is. Well, it was a magnificent feast, though, wasn't it?
AMNERIS Oh, there is so much to do to get ready for the wedding ceremony. From the bronzed entry statue
of me, to the centerpieces of lilies and roses arranged to look like... me.
AIDA It must be difficult.
AMNERIS Planning
a wedding?
AIDA No. Being a Princess.
AMNERIS Oh, you have no idea. The responsibilities are... overwhelming.
AIDA Your people must expect so much.
AMNERIS They want a goddess and I'm just...
AIDA Human.
AMNERIS I may leave a great impression As I race through a succession Of the latest
crazes, chase the newest fad I feel better when beguiling Find that fashion keeps me smiling But in my heart I
know it's rather sad
AIDA That a life of great potential Is dismissed, inconsequential
only ever seen as being cute So I'll flutter to deceive
AIDA Oh no you must believe That one day you're
bound to find
AIDA & AMNERIS A Stronger Suit
(RADAMES enters the room, catching AIDA & AMNERIS off
AMNERIS Radames! This is my bedchamber. You can't just... you know you shouldn't... Aida, leave.
turns to walk out.)
RADAMES No, stay. Pour the princess a cup of wine.
(AIDA goes to the wine pitcher and
pours the wine.)
AMNERIS Are you trying to get me drunk, Radames? You know it's not necessary.
that your bed in there?
AMNERIS Silk covered and fat with feathers.
RADAMES Why don't you go in and I'll
join you in a moment.
AMNERIS Radames, are you sure? We're going to be married in a week.
RADAMES Amneris,
we've been engaged nine years.
AMNERIS Good point.
(AMNERIS turns and runs offstage.)
think you can speak to me like that, scold me like a shrew then walk away? You forget that I can have you carried off
to the copper mines.
AIDA And you forget that I am her property now, not yours.
(AIDA turns to leave.)
doesn't matter. Because I know now that you were right. (AIDA gives him a disconcerting look.) What?
shocked. Even in enlightened Nubia, one never hears a man admit he's wrong.
AMNERIS (Offstage.) Radames,
I'm ready!
RADAMES (Calling offstage.) I'll be right in princess. (He turns back to AIDA.) Aida, I was
wrong. I have been selfish. If Pharaoh does not recover, Egypt is going to need a new leader. A strong leader. And I don't
think that is Amneris.
AMNERIS (Offstage.) Radames, your engagement party is waiting.
should go to her.
RADAMES Were you a noblewoman before you were captured?
AIDA What does it matter? There's
nothing noble about me now.
RADAMES You're wrong. You are noble and courageous. Very few of us dare to speak so
honestly. And considering you're a slave...
AIDA Yes, we mustn't ever forget that I'm a slave.
cannot take back the past, Aida. But even if I could... I'm not sure I want to. Aida, I -
(AMNERIS interrupts him,
storming into the room wrapped in a sheet.)
AMNERIS Radames! You barge into my bedchamber, waging a full-frontal
attack, so to speak... and now you're stalling. Why?
RADAMES I'm sorry, I didn't realize...
a buck-naked princess lounging in her bed, calling your name. What exactly didn't you realize? Before our wedding night,
pack up some of that dried monkey meat and have the royal cartographer draw you a map of the female body, Captain.
Maybe then you'll be more inclined to come explore. (RADAMES looks around and then runs out of the room.) Was it something
I said? When we were children we understood each other so well. Now he's a mystery to me.
ACT ONE Scene Eight THE
As AMNERIS exits offstage, the set changes to the Nubian camp. AIDA stands in the middle of the
stage as MEREB approaches her.
MEREB Aida, there you are. Will you come with me?
AIDA Where?
Nubian camp. Look, everybody knows that I'm the one who can get things. And our people... They've have asked me to bring
them... you.
AIDA Why? So they can see a reckless fool dressed as a servant? No that is what I am, Mereb. My
father told me not to leave the boundaries of our village, but I could not be so constrained. I took Nehebka and the other
women up the river. I had to see the countryside. And that's where the Egyptians captured us. I deserve this. And
our people deserve a leader who thinks of them. Not of her own selfish pleasures.
MEREB Aida, the Nubians want
their princess.
AIDA It's knowing what they want of me that scares me It's knowing
having followed that I must lead It's knowing that each person there compares me To those in my past whom I now succeed
But how can whatever I do for them now Be enough Be enough
NUBIANS Aida! Aida! All we ask of you
Is a lifetime of service, wisdom, courage To ask more would be selfish But nothing less will do Aida! Aida!
NEHEBKA You robe should be golden, your robe should be perfect Instead of this ragged concoction of thread
But may you be moved by its desperate beauty To give us new life for we'd rather be dead Than live in the squalor
and shame of the slave To the dance! To the dance!
NUBIANS Aida! Aida! All we ask of you
we ask is a lifetime of Service, wisdom, courage To ask more would be selfish But nothing less will do Aida!
NUBIANS Aida! Aida! Aida! Aida! Aida!
AIDA I know expectations are wild and almost Beyond
my fulfillment but they won't hear A word of a doubt or see signs of weakness My nigh on impossible duty is clear
If I can rekindle my ancestors' dreams It's enough It's enough
AIDA It's enough NUBIANS Aida!
Aida! Aida! Aida! Aida!
AIDA It's enough NUBIANS Ah,ah,ah,ah,ah,ah
(When the song ends, the NUBIAN
give AIDA her robe and she places it on her head. She is escorted onto the back of another NUBIAN and is carried around
the camp. They exit.)
The great washing day. Under the music, a
parade of WOMEN enters with baskets of laundry on their heads. A ritualistic rhythm takes hold as the linens are soaked,
wrung and beaten to dry. AIDA enters and joins in the work. RADAMES enters with a SOLDIER. As they talk, AIDA watches
him covertly. RADAMES dismisses the SOLDIER.
RADAMES (To AIDA.) You were watching me again. All week your
eyes have been on me.
AIDA What do you mean?
RADAMES Do you think you're going to gain your freedom, just
because you've gained my attention? You are beautiful, but I am not so easily led.
AIDA If I've looked in your
direction, it was only to see if your chalice needed refilling.
RADAMES I have no chalice now... and yet you're
AIDA (Getting up from the bank, picking up her basket and linens.) Excuse me, Captain, but I have linen
to wash.
RADAMES (As AIDA walks away from him, he turns after her.) I do not excuse you. Stop there.
turns to look back at him.) You wanted something from me?
RADAMES Oh yes. I want to make your life easier, Aida.
Tell me how. What can I do for you?
AIDA Help my people.
RADAMES I want to help you.
am my people. And I cannot continue to live in the comfort of the palace while my countrymen are dying. You want my "affection,"
RADAMES I can have your "affection" right here if I command it. I want to know if you feel anything
for me - aside from contempt.
AIDA I don't know.
RADAMES Then let's find out.
she drops her basket; they are stopped when MEREB enters.)
MEREB (Shocked at the sight of seeing RADAMES and
AIDA kissing.) Aida, I just saw - Aida, Amneris requests your presence. The princess... (To RADAMES.) ...your betrothed.
leaves) 11. NOT ME
RADAMES I once knew all the answers I stood on certain ground A picture of true happiness
Confidence so effortless No brighter could be found
RADAMES I never asked the questions
That trouble me today I knew all there was to know Love worn lightly Put on show
My conquest on display MEREB I
can't believe He's changing
And who'd have thought that Oh, no Confidence could die? Not me, Not me Not
me, not me That all I took for granted was a lie
Not me, Not me And who'd have guessed I'd throw my world
To be with someone I'm afraid will say Not me, not me This can never be
(RADAMES exits as the
backdrop rises above the stage.)
MEREB He's in love But he's not the only one Who'll be changed
and AIDA enter. AIDA is carrying a piece of cloth. AMNERIS is carrying an umbrella.)
AIDA (Showing AMNERIS the
cloth in her hand.) This would be lovely on you. I'll say this for you Egyptians; your thread count is amazing.
hasn't Radames come to see me again? We're to be married in three days and yet...Aida, I must make things right with him.
shall not envy lovers But long for what they share
AMNERIS An empty room is merciless Don't be surprised
if I confess I need some comfort there
AIDA & AMNERIS And who'd have thought That love could be so
good? Not me, not me And show me things I never understood Not me, not me
NEHEBKA (Entering with clothes
and other items.) Aida.
AIDA Nehebka, where did you get that?
NEHEBKA The Egyptian Captain! He's giving
away everything he owns. And he's giving it all to us.
and other Egyptian slaves stand around RADAMES' tent. RADAMES appears from the tent with a basket of food, and a jug of
wine. MEREB appears with another basket handing out fruit.
AIDA & AMNERIS Who'd have guessed he'd Throw
his world away To be with someone til his dying day Not me, not me
thought that love Could be so good Not me, not me My/his secrets & My/his passions understood Not me,
not me
Who'd have guessed I'd/ he throw My/his world away To be with someone til my/his dying day Not me/not
MEREB Not me, not me Not me, not me This can never be
AMNERIS Look, he is preparing to move into
the Palace. So, whatever doubts he had the other night must be gone. But you stay, Aida. Apologize for me.
no! I can't.
AMNERIS You can. You always say the right thing. I never do.
AIDA No princess, please don't
make me.
AMNERIS I would never make you. But I am asking you, as my friend.
(AMERNIS exits just as RADAMES
spots AIDA.)
AIDA Thank you.
RADAMES It was nothing. Actually, it was everything, but it doesn't matter.
AIDA Captain,
I just came to tell you that the princess is sorry for what she said the other night. And she wants you to know that...
tries to take AIDA'S hand but she pulls away.)
AIDA You are betrothed to my mistress!
RADAMES It was arranged
by my father, and it will be unarranged by me.
AIDA You could raid another country tomorrow and rebuild your fortune.
Radames, you're an Egyptian! Nothing will ever change that fact. I don't even know why you bothered to do this.
We all lead such elaborate lives wild ambitions in our sights How an affair
of the heart survives days apart and hurried nights Seems quite unbelievable to me I don't want to live like that
seems quite unbelievable to me I don't want to love like that I just want our time to be slower and gentler,
wiser, free
We all live in extravagant times playing games we can't all win Unintended emotional crimes Take
some out, take others in
I'm so tired of all were going through I don't want to live like that I'm so tired
of all were going through I don't want to love like that I just want to be with you Now and forever , peaceful,
true This may not be the moment to tell you face to face But I could wait forever for the perfect time and
AIDA & RADAMES We all lead such elaborate lives We don't know whose words are true Strangers,
lovers, husbands, wives Hard to know who's loving who
AIDA Too many choices tear us apart I don't want
to live like that
RADAMES Too many choices tear us apart I don't want to love like that I just want to
touch your heart May this confession
RADAMES & AIDA Be the start
(They kiss. The lights fade out.
When the lights come up they are in each other's arms.)
RADAMES Are you cold?
AIDA You could have
at least kept a blanket.
RADAMES No. I could not. Man enters this world naked, without possessions. I want to be
a new man for you, Aida. Cleansed of my past sins.
(Drums sound from offstage.)
AIDA What is it?
armies have returned. Pharaoh will expect a victory celebration. Go back to the palace. You'll be safe there. (He gets
up and puts his shirt back on. He begins to walk away and then turns back.) Wait, take my amulet. If anyone stops you,
show them this and they'll let you pass.
(He starts to leave again.)
AIDA I love you.
heard that. Say it again. I command you. I command...
(SOLDIER enters.)
SOLDIER Captain!
(AIDA turns
her face away from the SOLDIER.)
RADAMES I heard the drums.
SOLDIER But we have captured the Nubian King!
king? You have taken him alive? Find out which men are responsible for this. I'll see they receive the highest honors.
Tell the others I'm on my way.
SOLDIER Yes, Captain.
RADAMES (He sees AIDA is upset by the news.) Aida,
our countries are at war. I can't change that.
AIDA But he's my...He's my king.
(AIDA begins to cry as RADAMES
She leaves him. RADAMES realizes what he's done - and
hates himself for it. A crowd of Nubians appear and circle AIDA. The light changes and we are at the Nubian Slave
NEHEBKA Princess - say it's not true!
MALE NUBIAN #1 I saw our king dragged through the streets
with my own eyes.
FEMALE NUBIAN #1 I heard they've already executed him.
MALE NUBIAN #2 And they are carrying
his head through the street on the end of a spike.
AIDA No, No!
MEREB Amonasro of Nubia is alive. I saw
him taken to the prison.
NEHEBKA But it's only a matter of time before the Egyptians slaughter him.
NUBIAN #1 I always imagined that your father would march upon Egypt in triumph. But now we have no hope. When the king
dies - so does Nubia.
AIDA Nubia will never die! Whether we are enslaved or whether we are far from our native
soil, Nubia lives in our hearts. And therefore, it lives.
Take me in my dreams recurring
Cheerful as a childhood dance Into one more taste of freedom One more longing backward glance
In the sway
of somber music I shall never, never understand Let me slip into the sweeter Chorus of that other land
gods love Nubia, the beautiful, the golden The radiant, the fertile, the gentle and the blessed
The pain of Nubia
is only for the moment the desolate the suffering the plundered, the oppressed
NEHEBKA The gods love Nubia,
their glorious creation Its songs roll sweetly across the harvest plain
NEHEBKA & AIDA The tears of Nubia,
a passing aberration They wash into the river and are never cried again
gods love Nubia, we have to keep believing The scattered and divided, we are still it's heart
AIDA The fall
of Nubia, ephemeral and fleeting The spirit always burning though the flesh is torn apart.
ALL The fall of
Nubia Ephemeral and fleeting The spirit always burning Though the flesh is torn apart
Take me in my dreams
recurring Cheerful as a childhood dance Into one more taste of freedom One more longing backward glance The
gods love Nubia, the beautiful, the golden The radiant, the fertile, the gentle and the blessed The pain of Nubia
is only for the moment the desolate the suffering the plundered, the oppressed
The gods love Nubia we
have to keep believing Though scattered and divided we are still it's heart The fall of Nubia ephemeral and fleeting
the spirit always Burning though the flesh is torn apart The spirit always burning though the flesh is torn apart
AIDA Apart
AIDA & NUBIANS Take me in my dreams recurring One more longing backward glance
AIDA, RADAMES and AMNERIS are alone in their thoughts, frozen in
separate places. The laser forms the triangle around them.
AMNERIS It's so strange
he doesn't show me more affection than he needs Almost formal too respectful never takes romantic leads There
are times when I imagine I'm not always on his mind He's not thinking what I'm thinking Always half a step behind
Always half a step behind
Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,oh,oh
RADAMES I'm in every kind of trouble
Can't you tell, just look at me Half ecstatic, half dejected All in all I'm all at sea Easy terms I thought
I wanted Fill me now with chilling dread You could never know the chaos Of a life turned on its head Of a
life turned on its head
RADAMES & AMNERIS Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,oh,oh
am certain that I love him But a love can be misplaced Have I compromised my people In my passion and my haste?
I could be his life companion Anywhere but where we are Am I leader? Am I traitor? Did I take a step too far?
so strange he doesn't show me more affection than he needs Almost formal too respectful never takes romantic leads
There are times when I imagine I'm not always on his mind He's not thinking what I'm thinking Always half
a step behind Always half a step behind
RADAMES I'm in every kind of trouble Can't you tell, just look
at me Half ecstatic,half dejected All in all I'm all at sea Easy terms I thought I wanted Fill me now with
chilling dread You could never know the chaos Of a life turned on it's head Of a life turned on it's head
am certain that I love him But a love can be misplaced Have I compromised my people In my passion and my haste?
I could be his life companion Anywhere but where we are Am I leader? Am I traitor?
AIDA Oh,oh,oh,oh
AIDA & RADAMES Oh,oh,oh,oh
AIDA, RADAMES & AMNERIS Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,oh,oh
Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,oh,oh Did I take a step too far!
The lights
change and the set transforms to a prison cell. AIDA and MEREB are with a GUARD. MEREB glances around and hands the GUARD
a sack of gold.
MEREB A word with the prisoner.
GUARD Alright, Mereb. But be quick about it.
exits. AIDA and MEREB enter the cell.)
AIDA Father?
AMONASRO Aida? I knew you would survive. That I trained
my daughter well. At least, I would not allow myself to believe anything else.
AIDA Have they mistreated you?
I believe they are saving that part for my execution... Three days from now.
AIDA It won't come to that. We'll
get you out of here.
MEREB In two days, the daughter of the Pharaoh will wed. Most of the guards will be needed
to control the crowds
AMONASRO And who is this young Minister of War?
AIDA This is Mereb. You remember...
Henu's boy.
AMONASRO Henu. Your father was a great warrior. He had hopes you would grow up to be a scholar.
The chief jailor will attend Amneris' wedding. They've assigned a lowly guard to take his place - a man I know.
are suggesting you may be able to bribe this guard?
MEREB Let's just say, we've done business in the past.
would take a lot of gold
MEREB I have it. For years I've been stealing from the palace. I thought maybe, someday,
I could use it to get back to Nubia. But if I can send my King home...
AMONASRO We will all be going home soon,
Mereb. Now, how are the docks guarded?
MEREB By the Captain's soldiers.
AMONASRO So the odds are slim.
Can you use a sword, boy?
MEREB Me? Actually I'm better at providing encouragement from the sidelines.
fight won't be necessary. They'll let us through.
(Aida takes out the amulet RADAMES gave her. MEREB gasps.)
MEREB Captain
Radames gave you that?
AMONASRO Who is this Captain? An Egyptian?
AIDA Yes, but he's not like the others,
AMONASRO He leads Pharaoh's army, and he did not lay waste to our country like the others?
regrets his past.
AMONASRO Aida! Do not shame yourself and me with such witless sentiment. Do not tell me this
Egyptian grieves for the Nubian men executed, the women ravaged, and the children taken into slavery. Any soft look you
have given this Captain, any soft word, betrays the innocents who suffered at his hands and at the hands of every
soldier he commands. You will cut this man from your heart.
AIDA Yes, Father
AMONASRO I would not
have thought it possible that these Egyptians could give me one more reason to hate them.
is the moment when the gods expect me To beg for help but I won't even try I want nothing in this world but myself
to protect me But I won't lie down, roll over and die All I have to do is to forget how much I love him All I
have to do is put my longing to one side Tell myself that love's an ever-changing situation Passion would have cooled
and all the magic would have died It's easy, it's easy
All I have to do is to pretend I never knew him On
those very rare occasions when he steals into my heart Better to have lost him when the ties were barely binding Better
the contempt of the familiar cannot start It's easy, It's easy
Until I think about him as he was when I last touched
him And how he would have been were I to be with him today Those very rare occasions don't let up they keep on coming
All I ever wanted and I'm throwing it away It's easy, it's easy as life
But then I see the faces of a worn
, defeated people A father and a nation who won't let a coward run is this how the gods reward the faithful through
the ages ? Forcing us to prove the hardest things we've done Are easy So easy
And though I'll think about
him 'til the earth draws in around me And though I choose to leave him for another kind of love This is no denial,
no betrayal but redemption Redeemed in my own eyes and in the pantheon above It's easy It's easy as life It's
easy as life It's easy as life
ZOSER is showing AMNERIS
a giant map of the Nile.
AMNERIS But why did we invade Babylon?
ZOSER Because once we have control of
the waterways, the rest of the world opens up for us.
AMNERIS Yes, but our Egyptian armies just stormed in and
seized power? How oppressive of us.
ZOSER Perhaps, Princess. But where do you think that beautiful necklace
came from?
(He points to her necklace. AMNERIS looks down at it, then removes it, placing it on Zoser's table.)
AMNERIS Suddenly
it's not so beautiful
(RADAMES enters.)
ZOSER I've been explaining our foreign campaigns to Amneris.
Because she wanted to know what's been preoccupying you of late.
AMNERIS Radames, I feel like we haven't had a moment
along since you returned from Nubia. I miss you. Can't we spend this afternoon together?
RADAMES Of course.
Of course, we can. But first, I'd like to have a word with my father. (He takes a scroll from the table and hands it
to AMNERIS.) Here, you can read this while you wait.
AMNERIS "The Campaign at Kadesh."
give us something to talk about.
AMNERIS I didn't realize we were at a loss for topics. But then there's a lot I
haven't realized
(AMNERIS exits.)
RADAMES That was clever of you.
ZOSER I can't have you neglecting
the girl. Not after all the trouble I've gone to.
RADAMES You arranged a marriage.
ZOSER There have been
other arrangements as well, son. Things I've done on your behalf.
RADAMES I haven't asked you to do anything
for me!
ZOSER No you're right, you haven't because you've been too busy whiling away the hours with that slave
RADAMES Oh, your spies are good.
ZOSER Radames, you can have your little diversion, just wait until
after you've wed.
RADAMES Like you did?
ZOSER Your mother never had any complaints.
never had any choice.
ZOSER Don't you realize that whore could cost you the throne?
RADAMES I don't care
about the throne, father. Because I'm not like you. And I never will be.
come on so cocksure boy, you can't escape your genes No point in feeling pure boy, your background intervenes Listen
good and listen straight, you're not the master of your fate To this you must be reconciled; you'll always be your father's
child At times acclaimed, at times reviled You'll wind up doing just what I've done Like father, like son
assume your vices get handed down the line That a parent's blood suffices to condemn the child's design I've done
wrong, I can't deny, but at least I know that I Shouldn't blame that on my stock, this may come as quite a shock I'm
no chip off any block, I wouldn't wish those words on anyone Like father, like son
ZOSER Son you're nervous,
take my hand All is settled, all is planned You've got the world at your command I don't think you understand
Do you really want to throw away your future? All for some wretched slave!
RADAMES She has a name!
a few months, you won't even be able to remember her name!
RADAMES I appreciate too well The squalor at which
you excel it isn't very hard to tell Evil's a distinctive smell
You can forget about your plans, father. There
will be no wedding!
(RADAMES storms off, leaving ZOSER horrified.)
ZOSER He's lost all sense of reason, and
why? Some foreign slut Not only is that treason, Some doors are slamming shut Just like me he's found that
flesh can excite but will enmesh Once we rid him of this blight. Once this harlot's out of sight. Then I think
he'll see the light. He won't walk back to daddy he will run. Like father, like son...
Father, like son Like Father, like son Like Father, like
ZOSER Son (ZOSER turns to his men.) Find the
slave girl called Aida. And when you do...kill her.
AIDA stands alone.
Suddenly a slave woman appears outside the fence. She slips AIDA a folded note and disappears. AIDA begins to read and
RADAMES appears in her imagination.
RADAMES I'm sorry for everything I've said And
for anything I forgot to say too When things get so complicated I stumble at best muddle through I wish that our
lives could be simple I don't want the world only you
Oh I wish I could tell you this face to face But there's
never the time never the place So this letter will have to do I love you....
(A crowd of NUBIANS circle AIDA.
AIDA hides the letter in the bosom of her dress as RADAMES moves back and disappears.)
MEREB Tomorrow Princess,
you and your father will be free!
NEHEBKA We will live to tell our grandchildren of the King's great escape!
will prevail! Quiet!
(Suddenly two GUARDS storm into the Nubian encampment. MEREB backs off while others push AIDA
back into the crowd. Protectively, the Nubians surround AIDA, hiding her.)
GUARD #1 We are here for Aida. Which
one is she?
(Before AIDA can speak, a Nubian man clamps a hand over her mouth. More NUBIANS block her from view.
NEHEBKA steps forward.)
NEHEBKA I am Aida!
(The guards drag NEHEBKA away. AIDA struggles to free herself.
But the Nubians hold her until the guards are gone.)
MALE NUBIAN #1 Forgive us, Princess. But you cannot be
sacrificed. Every person here would risk their life for Nubia.
(The NUBIANS begin a dance of anguish. AIDA is horrified,
but she sees what her role is to be. She stumbles away. MEREB follows her.)
MEREB Where are you going?
doesn't answer and she can't look at him.)
MEREB You're going to meet him, aren't you?
AIDA Mereb, I do
not ask you to understand. I do not understand. I must meet him -
AIDA But I do. I have to see
him -
MEREB (With the rage of the newly converted.) No! No! You cannot give yourself to him. The Egyptians have
taken enough from us already. You are our Princess, our inspiration, our promise of a new day.
AIDA I'm sorry,
(She runs off, MEREB watches her go.)
18. HOW I KNOW YOU (Reprise)
MEREB There is a time there
is a place When love should conquer all The rest of life is pushed aside as truth and reason fall But only
if that selfishness can lead to something good I thought I knew you princess But I never understood I don't
know you I don't know you
RADAMES walks the Nile. AIDA enters.
They stare at each other for a moment then embrace passionately.
RADAMES Aida! I thought you were...
came for me. But they took another. I blame myself.
RADAMES No. I put you in danger. But I swear, it will never
happen again. I'm calling off the wedding. I am going to build you a house on an island at the border of our countries.
And we will sail the Nile.
AIDA Oh Radames - (She stops herself short, realizes this foils her father's escape
plans.) No! You can't. You can't call of the wedding!
(AIDA pulls out of RADAMES' arms and steps away.)
I can. And I will.
AIDA I love you, Radames. But you must marry the princess tomorrow. Tomorrow. What you want
for us is impossible. They would hunt us down. It is a foolish plan.
RADAMES I will find a way for us to be together.
AIDA I am here to tell you we can never meet again Simple really, isn't it, a word or two
and then A lifetime of not knowing where or how or why or when You think of me or speak of me and wonder what befell
That someone you once loved so long ago so well
RADAMES Never wonder what I'll feel as living shuffles by You
don't have to ask me and I need not reply Every moment of my life from now until I die I will think or dream of you
and fail to understand How a perfect love can be confounded out of hand Is it written in the stars Are we paying
for some crime Is that all that we are good for Just a stretch of mortal time Or some God's experiment In
which we have no say In which we're given paradise But only for a day
AIDA Marry the Princess, Radames.
You can help my people. This could be our chance to do something important. Don't you see? It may be the whole reason
we met.
RADAMES Then it would be a cruel trick!
AIDA Not if the Gods put us together for some greater
Nothing can be altered, there is nothing to decide No escape, no change of heart, nor anyplace to hide
RADAMES You are all I'll ever want, but this I am denied Sometimes in my darkest thoughts, I wish I'd never
AIDA & RADAMES What it is to be in love and have that love returned
AIDA Is it written in
the stars Are we paying for some crime Is that all that we are good for Just a stretch of mortal time
& RADAMES For some God's experiment In which we have no say In which we're given paradise But only for
a day
RADAMES I will do what you ask of me. But you must also do something for me. Go home, leave Egypt forever.
are you saying?
RADAMES While I am taking my wedding vows, there will be a boat waiting for you at the docks
to return you to Nubia. At least I will have a message of happiness knowing you are free.
one last time and leaves. AIDA looks to the sky... knowing her gods have provided a way. The irony of it nearly breaks
her in two. She exits in the opposite direction. AMNERIS emerges from the shadows. She has seen everything.)
AMNERIS How did I come to this? How did I slip and fall? How did I throw half a lifetime
away Without any thought at all?
This should have been my time It's over, it never began I closed my eyes
to so much for so long and I no longer can
I try to blame it on fortune Some kind of shift in a star But
I know the truth and it haunts me it's flown just a little too far I know the truth and it mocks me I know the
truth and it shocks me It's flown just a little too far.
is dressed for her wedding by four handmaidens. They present her with a fantastic wedding gown. She stands lifeless, still
reeling from the shock of what she witnessed.
Why do I want him still? Why when there's nothing there? How
to go on with the rest of my life To pretend I don't care
This should've been my time It's over-It never began
I closed my eyes to so much for so long and I no longer can
I try to blame it on fortune Some kind of
twist in my fate But I know the truth and it haunts me I learned it a little too late
Oh I know the truth
and it mocks me I know the truth and it shocks me I learned it a little too late Too late
now fully dressed and stands there like a painted life-sized doll.)
petals fall from the heavens. ZOSER, MINISTERS and FOUR LADIES OF THE PALACE are in attendance. RADAMES takes his place
at AMNERIS' side. He looks as numb and duty bound. The PHARAOH, sicker than ever, presides.
PHARAOH As witnessed
by the Gods and all of Egypt, I pronounce you man and wife. May your lives be filled forever with the joy of this moment.
#1 Your majesty, the Nubian King has escaped!
PHARAOH Radames, call your men to arms.
across the city!
ZOSER The fastest route to Nubia is by water. Send a regiment to search the docks.
RADAMES (Remembers
AIDA.) No! Seal off the docks!
ZOSER But...
RADAMES No one must reach the pier before I arrive there.
ensues. The dissipation of the wedding ceremony dissolves into the next sequence.)
ACT TWO Scene Eight THE
A small boat floats at the water's edge. It is tied to the dock by a heavy rope. AIDA enters, wearing RADAMES'
amulet around her neck. MEREB enters with AMONASRO.
MEREB Princess, we must hurry. They've sounded the alarm.
climbs into the boat as RADAMES appears.)
AIDA Radames!
AMONASRO Aida! Undo the rope.
AIDA Forgive
me Father, but I need one last moment with him.
AMONASRO Daughter!
(She leaps out of the boat and runs to
RADAMES. He puts it together.)
RADAMES Of course, you're the Nubian Princess. And you had me marry Amneris just
so your king could escape. What a fool I am. It was all a lie. An act. Every word. Every kiss.
But I have made too many mistakes and too many people have suffered. I could not act selfishly now.
you lied to me?
AIDA Not when I said I love you. Say you believe me.
(As RADAMES struggles to find the answer,
ZOSER appears on the rise.)
ZOSER (Shocked to see AIDA. To one of the GUARDS.) She's alive?
(MEREB rushes
forward. He stands in front of ZOSER, brandishing a sword.)
MEREB Stop there!
cuts down the GUARD.)
AMONASRO Aida, come!
RADAMES Aida, get in the boat! This is your last chance.
pulls his sword and cuts MEREB down.)
(AIDA pulls away from RADAMES and runs to MEREB. RADAMES
takes MEREB'S sword and lifts it high above the rope that secures the boat.)
ZOSER Radames! For the love of
Egypt stop them! (RADAMES brings his sword down on the rope...severing it.) NOOOOO!
boat is swept away.)
ZOSER Radames! What have you done?
RADAMES It's all over, Father. When they come
for me, they'll take you away too.
ZOSER No - that can't happen - Egypt needs me -
RADAMES You're the
one who tied our fates together. Like father, like son. I think you should run.
(ZOSER exits.)
AIDA Radames.
MEREB Forgive me, Princess. I failed you.
AIDA No...never! You, Mereb, inspired me.
wanted to go back to Nubia. Aida, take me home.
(AIDA holds MEREB as he dies. RADAMES moves forward and lifts AIDA
into his arms as the guards surround them.)
AMNERIS approaches
RADAMES and AIDA as the GUARDS pull them apart to put chains on them, AIDA is dragged to stage left, leaving RADAMES and
AMNERIS in the center.
RADAMES Amneris. I never meant to hurt you.
(Suddenly drums sound, announcing
PHARAOH'S arrival. MINISTERS and SOLDIERS begin to file on upstage. AMNERIS is panicked.)
AMNERIS Radames, if
you deny everything there is a chance. My father might spare your life. Listen to me, they want to bury you alive.
That's what we do to traitors.
AMNERIS You must say that everyone is wrongs and -
RADAMES No, I can't.
Aida is everything I thought I was meant to be. But her courage and her love for her people have put me to shame. Every
act of my life has been wrong, except for this.
AMNERIS Did you ever love me at all?
RADAMES Amneris. (He
touches her cheek gently.) I've loved you all my life.
(The GUARD drags RADAMES away, pushing him to stage right.
On stage left, a GUARD forces AIDA to her knees. Angrily, AMNERIS calls to him.)
AMNERIS Take your hands off
her! (AMNERIS crosses to AIDA.) After all, she is a Princess.
(The GUARD backs away, leaving AIDA standing.)
AIDA Amneris,
there were so many times I wanted to tell you everything, but I couldn't.
AMNERIS No wonder you understood me
so well.
AIDA Amneris, you must believe me. I am to blame for what has happened. Not Radames. Please, let him
live. Amneris let him live.
AMNERIS I can't.
AIDA Yes, you can. You love him! Don't you love him?
let us begin. Bring forth the prisoners. (AIDA and RADAMES are pushed forward. To AMNERIS.) Zoser has been apprehended,
and we have uncovered his plot. Radames, I chose you. I trusted your father. Now I will make things right while I still
can. (PHARAOH turns to the assembly.) The criminals will receive their sentences!
AMNERIS Father, I have a
PHARAOH A request?
AMNERIS I know the traitors must die for crimes against Egypt. This is the
law. But I would ask...that the prisoners be allowed to die together.
PHARAOH But that would be mercy - after
they disgraced you before the entire nation.
AMNERIS I was wronged. It should be my decision.
don't know your own mind. (A pronouncement.) For their crimes, the traitors -
AMNERIS Your Majesty, you have
poison in your blood. We both know this. Soon I will be completely alone, because everyone I love will be gone. So you
must allow me to exercise my will over Egypt. Because I am to be your successor. And because I demand it.
studies AMNERIS a long moment, then nods and waves her forward.)
AMNERIS (To the PEOPLE.) For their crimes, the
traitors will be buried beneath the sands of Egypt, in one tomb...together. The Daughter of Isis has spoken.
turns and runs off, unable to watch. The music begins and AIDA and RADAMES are isolated. Behind them, the Judgment Hall
AIDA We all lead such elaborate lives Wild ambitions in our
sights How an affair of the heart survives Days apart and hurried nights Seems quite unbelievable to me I
don't want to live like that Seems quite unbelievable to me I don't want to love like that I just want our time
to be Slower and gentler, wiser, free
We all live in extravagant times Playing games we can't all win
Unintended emotional crimes take some out take others in
Too many choices tear us apart I don't want to
live like that Too many choices tear us apart I don't want to love like that I just want to keep your heart May
this confession be the start
I know you'll give me courage to face what I must face with all these complications
in another time and place
AIDA & RADAMES We all lead such elaborate lives We don't know whose words
are true An affair of the heart survives All the pain the world can do
RADAMES I'm so tired of all we're
going through I don't want to live like that
AIDA I'm so tired of all we're going through I don't want
to love like that I just want to be with you Now and forever peaceful, true
The tomb comes forward. GUARDS force AIDA and RADAMES into the tomb.
AIDA It's so dark.
me your hand. I'm right here with you. There is another world waiting for us, Aida. I can feel it. The way I always knew
there was a world beyond every bend in the Nile. Just waiting to be discovered.
AIDA You will find me in that
RADAMES If I have to search for a hundred life times, I will find you again, Aida.
RADAMES There'll be no ties of time and space to bind us
AIDA And no horizon
we shall not pursue
RADAMES & AIDA We'll leave the world's misfortunes far behind us And I will put my
faith and trust in you
As the iris closes to reveal a single tiny shaft of
light; a starburst and then the entire stage is filled with stars. AMNERIS enters, dressed as in the Prologue ...
23. EVERY STORY (Reprise)
AMNERIS From deep within a tomb A gentle light
still shone Showing me my path As I ascended to the throne Certain in my heart That ancient wars must cease
The lovers' deaths gave birth to a reign of peace
And their story And my journey And the lesson they
provide Draw their strength and inspiration from a love that never dies
(We are returning to our own time
and the museum of the Prologue. Once again, the contemporary crowd gathers around various exhibits. The man and the woman
circle the model of the tomb. Yes, they know this place. They look up. Their eyes meet. The man and woman move towards
each other. FADE TO BLACK)

